How to Build Huge Pecs in a Hurry

In this article we are going to take a look at how you can build huge Pecs, and do it in time for the upcoming beach season. Contrary to lots of the information I see being circulated around the web, building your Pecs up quickly and impressively is rather easy to do, and I have found the chest to be the absolute easiest area to pump up in a hurry when you need a buff beach body in a hurry. So read on as I give you a few simple pointers to get you started.

Oldies are goodies.

The bench press is STILL the very best way to pump up the Pecs. The flat bench press will build your outer chest muscles primarily, and of course you can use both inclines and declines to target the higher and lower chest area respectfully.

Variety is Key.

For a more complete and comprehensive workout, I recommend using a combination of presses, in conjunction with dumbbells and or a kettle ball for greater range of motion and a dramatic increase in functional strength as well. A medicine ball can also be a great way to build up the chest and arms in a fun and entertaining way while moving about the workout area.

Nothing grows without rest.

Lastly, remember to get plenty of rest between intense chest workouts. If you continue to break down the muscle without giving yourself ample time to regenerate, you risk injury, as well as a slowdown in growth. Getting much recuperative rest between intense days of exercise will pay off HUGE dividends, both in the chest…and beyond.

Pungky Dwiasmoro Hiswardhani

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Old School Strength Training

Fri Oct 14 , 2022
The current harsh economic conditions have caused many of us to scale back on some of the luxuries we used to take for granted. While physical fitness is undoubtedly more of a necessity than a luxury, how we achieve it can easily be scaled back and achieved in a more […]
Old School Strength Training

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