Healthy Weight Loss: Size Does matter

Most people look into the mirror and probably think that they could use to lose a little more weight. A little flab here and there could be eliminated and those extra pounds from that party should be lost ASAP. But how much should you lose?

Losing weight is not just a matter of making the fat and flab disappear when you want to. You’re a human being, not just some clay statue to be scraped and molded. However, this is no excuse for not losing weight the healthy way. And as they say, there’s no time like the present to begin.

For obese people or those whose weight is 20{2dd333ed9c7b2074fdfda098a56357c21ab487243e335d9241a31e34dbd5cf30} more than the standard weight for their height and bone structure, it is imperative to start now. Even a decrease in 5-10{2dd333ed9c7b2074fdfda098a56357c21ab487243e335d9241a31e34dbd5cf30} of one’s current weight is said to lower the risks of heart ailments, respiratory diseases, high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes and even cancer in obese people.

Obesity nowadays is not just a fashion or social faux pas anymore. It is just not good for the body. There’s such a thing as malnourishment and big bone structure, too. Fat may be the main culprit behind obesity but it also involves an excess in the body weight regardless of the components.

According to the Body Mass Index, men should be within the range of 25- 29.9 while women should have numbers from 18.5- 24.9. Anyone above 30 should think twice before reaching out for that second serving.

Food diets and all sorts of other diets involving ingesting herbal pills or tonics have become quite popular nowadays. However, most of them are not clinically proven or nutritionally balanced. Safe to say, the only real way to lose those extra pounds is to leave the old life of eat- what- you- want and turn to a healthy lifestyle.

Changes in one’s diet should not be abrupt, as this may make matters worse. As they always say, when in doubt about these kinds of things, consult your doctor or nutritionist. The diet is perhaps the most difficult thing to change but only if you make it that way. There are two rules when choosing a menu: first, control your calories through portions and quality; and second, don’t eat what you can’t stomach for long.

The rationale for these two rules is that healthy weight loss is a gradual process involving everything about you- physically, mentally, psychologically, etc. If you don’t like the taste of certain “recommended” foodstuffs, don’t force yourself. In the end, you’ll just grow sick of it and give up altogether. Most dieters don’t get it during their first try so don’t be afraid to mix and match. Here are a couple of tips that may help:

Substitute low- fat varieties for your favorites or staples- the market is saturated with these products. Instead of whole milk, for example, use low fat milk or cream.

Have a diverse range of foods included in your menu. When you’re raising a family too, involve them in your health program as to avoid tempting apparitions of brownies inside the refrigerator. Meat eaters should also know their veggies. Rewarding yourself is fine, just don’t overdo it; better yet, eat “guiltless” goodies. After all, you’re trying to be healthy.

Another way to remove those excess salts and fats from the meal is to remove the sources of additives when cooking. It wouldn’t hurt to experiment with herbs instead of the usual salt, sugar and butter routine. Who knows, you could be the next master chef on the block.

If possible, condition your body to eat a certain amount at a specific time. It would be better to scatter eating portions around the clock over eating at one full go. Savor the little servings that you have instead of thinking about how full or hungry you are. This way, the intervals will allow the body to register that you have enough blood sugar in your system already. It will prevent feelings of deprivation and splurging.

Size and quantity does matter. That’s why you want to lose weight, right? But being healthy does not equal to being thin. It’s useless to eat a dozen low- calorie crackers at one sitting since those calories will only pile up. However, some foods especially those rich in fiber provide more bulk for their size, thus satisfying hunger cravings. These include fruits and vegetables.

Eating healthful food alone will not guarantee much weight loss. It takes a combination of physical exertion to utilize the nutrients and calories you have at hand. The body will adapt so there should be an effort to combat the efficient energy scheme your body will implement once the drop in calories start. The answer? Exercise.

If your reasoning goes along the lines of not having the time or energy left to exercise, you are not serious about being healthy. Forget about strenuous sports if you don’t like them, exercise can be as simple as walking around while shopping, polishing floors or climbing the stairs. Strenuous exercise without proper supervision will only be stressful and result to over-eating. Simple aerobics can do wonders for the figure and the psyche. The endorphins released will make you happy and when you’re happy, it’s easier to stick with the program and avoid backtracking into the couch potato life before.

Losing weight is as hard as a block of granite. When done consistently and correctly, that block can be turned into the healthiest and sexiest sculpture around. Just don’t forget that when you take care of your body, your body will take care of you.

Pungky Dwiasmoro Hiswardhani

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