What Guys Need To Know: How To Increase Testosterone Naturally The No Nonsense Muscle Building Way

What Every Man Should Know about How to Increase Testosterone Naturally

This article will focus on the No Nonsense Muscle Building way that men can increase testosterone naturally via their diet and small lifestyle changes and whether exercise can actually boost testosterone as well. Men are focusing on increasing their testosterone levels to increase muscle size, reduce body fat, increase bone density, and promote libido, which bring great physical and psychological benefits. Declining testosterone levels are actually associated with a dwindling of the above mentioned attributes. While there are products available to boost testosterone levels, such as HGH (human growth hormone), the risks definitely outweigh the gains, especially since testosterone can be safely boosted by following a few easy tips.

Exercises to Increase Testosterone Naturally:

When working out to increase testosterone naturally, use compound exercises. In order to benefit the most from your efforts, you must use many muscle fibers which can be done by utilizing more than one joint and more than one muscle group. Examples include bench press, dead lift, back rows, shoulder press, close-grip bench press, and squats. When determining whether to go for high repetitions and low weight, or vice versa, choose heavier weights. This will not build as much muscle endurance as light weights but will increase testosterone more rapidly. Although you are lifting enough to limit your repetitions to about four to six per set, make sure you still do enough sets. Single sets of exercises can lead to marginal strength gains but it won’t efficiently boost testosterone levels and increase testosterone naturally. Three to four sets is a good number to aim for.

Even though you may feel like it, do not work out every day as this will not allow your muscles the proper amount of time to heal and rebuild. It can also compromise your testosterone release. A good rule of thumb is to wait at least two days before working the same group of muscles again. Finally, cardiovascular exercise can be used to lower your weight and increase testosterone naturally. Excess weight is often associated with higher estrogen levels, which is the female dominant hormone that will inhibit the release of testosterone. Running, biking, swimming, stair stepping, and rowing are good exercises to burn a lot of calories. You should aim for about 45 to 60 minutes per cardiovascular workout, three times per week.

Nutrition and Foods to Increase Testosterone Naturally:

We all know that eating a balanced diet of quality proteins, whole grains, and lots of fruits and vegetables will enable overall good health, but some specific parts of this most favorable diet also contribute to muscle growth and increase testosterone naturally.

Vitamins and minerals, whether acquired via supplements or your daily diet, play a large role in increasing testosterone. Zinc is a mineral that aids in the natural production of testosterone. High levels of zinc can be found in oysters, red meat, chicken, turkey, and other fowl. Also, beans and dairy products contain zinc. The pituitary gland and testicles produce an amino acid called D-Aspartaten, which boosts the production of hormones to increase testosterone naturally. It also increases sperm production and the Journal of Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology reported that men taking 3 grams of D-Aspartate every morning increased their testosterone by 40{2dd333ed9c7b2074fdfda098a56357c21ab487243e335d9241a31e34dbd5cf30}. Vitamins A, B, & E are all essential in the production of testosterone and not getting enough of these vitamins will ultimately lead to lower testosterone levels.

However, if your daily diet is rich in fruits & vegetables, lean meats, and nuts then you shouldn’t have to worry about supplementing with any extra A, B, & E vitamins to increase testosterone naturally. You may want to start taking 1000-to-1500mg of Vitamin C per day because it has been shown to lower cortisol levels. This allows your body to make more Testosterone, and similar to Zinc, vitamin C reduces the armostase enzyme that converts your Testosterone into Estrogen.

Several foods, which should become a part of your regular diet, will naturally assist in boosting testosterone levels. Onions and garlic contain Allicin, which also contributes to increase testosterone naturally. It is generally believed that Allicin does not convert well in supplements, which just goes to show that real food is a better idea than something in pill-form. Cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, bok choi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, collard greens, radishes, kohlrabi, and rutabagas), are not only sought after for anti-cancer and other healthful properties, but haven recently been revealed as testosterone boosters as well.

Cabbage contains roughly six times the zinc content per calories consumed compared with a shank of beef and can drastically help increase testosterone naturally. As for alcohol, even if you consumed only 2 drinks per day, alcohol still makes it hard for your liver to breakdown estrogen. This results in your body containing more estrogen & less testosterone, which will cause you to become more woman-like, which is obviously the opposite of the desired effect we are going for. Alcohol also decreases the levels of zinc in your body, and similarly, grapefruits can also make it hard for your liver to breakdown estrogen.

General Lifestyle Changes to Increase Testosterone Naturally:

As already mentioned, exercise is a great way to increase testosterone naturally, but weight loss should only come at a rate of about one pound per week. To further emphasize the point of not overdoing your workout routine, make sure to rest harder than you train. Overtraining can cause your testosterone levels to plunge as much as 40 percent. The symptoms of overtraining, irritability, insomnia, and muscle shrinkage, can be hard to miss. Don’t try starving yourself to reduce weight because cutting your caloric intake more than 15 percent causes your brain to shut down testosterone production to wait out the famine. This can make it very difficult to increase testosterone naturally.

Surprisingly, morning sex has been found by German scientists to regulate your early morning testosterone surge and burn a few calories in the process. Midnight snacks can be helpful, if you’re eating the right thing. Nuts, or foods with monounsaturated fat, are known to increase testosterone naturally. Remember, no matter how tough it may be, limit yourself to three alcoholic drinks per night. Binge drinking kills testosterone levels and alcohol affects the endocrine system and causes the testes to stop producing the hormone. Lastly, sleep, sleep, sleep. It is that important. Getting less than seven to eight hours per night can really mess with your circadian rhythm. This is why your testosterone levels are higher in the morning after a good night’s sleep.

Now You Know How to Increase Testosterone Naturally. So do it!

Pungky Dwiasmoro Hiswardhani

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