Lap Band Surgery – How Much Weight Can I Lose? Nurse’s Guide

If you’re considering lap band surgery or just beginning to think about lap band surgery as a solution to your weight problems and wondering how much weigh you can lose, I will try to answer this in this short article. This is one of the questions I’m most often asked along with the cost.

If you’re just considering the lap band system because you’re just a little overweight then the lap band procedure is not for you. Candidates for lap band surgery have serious obesity issues and this is called being “morbidly obese.” There is a way to determine that through the body mass index scale – the BMI as it is called and you’re probably familiar with it.

But the bigger question is:

How much weight can I lose or expect to lose? All lap band procedures or adjustable gastric banding procedures will vary from patient to patient. This is because the amount of weight you eventually lose depends on certain factors. First of all the lap band has to be placed properly and in the right position.

It will require a certain commitment on your part to change your eating habits to fit the guidelines for gastric banding. The lap band surgery is not a magical surgery that will ensure you that your weight will come off through some miracle. You must abide closely to the after-surgery diet and probably change your lifestyle along with it.

With the lap band system or any adjustable gastric banding surgery you’ll need to limit your food intake. If you find that you feel sick or nauseated you may not be chewing your food well enough. You’ll be given a strict lap band diet that you must adhere to in order to lose weight or lose pounds.

You must set weight loss goals that are actually within your reach. You can expect to lose one pound a week the first year following surgery but it’s possible that you can lose two to three pounds a week or more with the right diet. The average loss of weight for gastric banding patients, for most patients, in the year following surgery is about 100 pounds or so. This is with following the dietary guidelines you’re given and sticking to them closely.

For the healthiest way to lose weight after the gastric band placement and surgery is to lose weight gradually. You don’t want to lose weight too fast because it can cause new health problems. Your goal is to get rid of the health issues you have right now that are a direct result of your weight issues or obesity issues. These can be heart problems, diabetes, arthritis in the knees and many others. Some can be life-threatening.

It’s important to note that the adjustable band can be removed down the line if needed, whereas gastric bypass is permanent.

There is much to learn about lap band surgery if you decide to go forward with this procedure. You want to learn as much as you can before you commit. This will be a lifelong commitment to strict dieting patterns if you want it to work. Be sure to get fully informed about all the complications and risks that are associated with this bariatric or weight loss surgery also.

Pungky Dwiasmoro Hiswardhani

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